Click on the green "Products" button to view some of my most requested items.

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Monday, September 1, 2008

September Celebration Giveaway!

Every other blog I read has some sort of giveaway, so I feel like I need to give something away, too! So in honor of my birthday this month, I am going to give away $50 worth of your choice of Bibs & Cribs merchandise to the lucky winner!

To enter, all you have to do is post a comment on this post! Each individual who posts a comment will have their name entered into the drawing (but no more than one entry per reader). As an added bonus, everyone who orders and pays for merchandise from Bibs & Cribs within the month of September will have their name entered five times.

The contest/giveaway will end at midnight on Tuesday, September 30, and I will post the name of the winner the very next morning!
Oh, and please add Bibs & Cribs to your blogroll!


Mary Kate said...

I want to be entered!!

Corbin said...

enter me too!!!

Alison said...

pick me!! i love your stuff!

Tabitha and Kelly said...

wow, what an incentive!! i guess now is the time for me to order!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Amanda!

I want to be added! I am ready to place an order for the canvases and rocking chairs when you're ready! Just let me know!
Laura Colclasure

Anonymous said...

Put my name in the hat!!! Also, Elizabeth LOVED the rocking chair - it has been a big hit and looks great in baby Lee's room. Santa sent me a little note and told me that my precious Lilly might need one for Christmas so let me know when you are ready for the info :)Laura (Landers)

Mickey and Jessica said...

Hi! I found your site through Amanda Moore's and I am going to be getting with you soon to see if you can make a birthday banner for my son that I saw on an older post! His bday is in december! I love your things!! (and who wouldn't mind a shot at something free!! :)

Jen said...

I'd like to be added too! My b-day is this month, also, so it'd be a nice b-day surprise if I won! :-)

Amber said...

Put my name in!!!!!

Jenna said...

Oh pick me, pick me! I love the stuff you've done for Amanda!

RachelM said...

Sign me up!! Fingers crossed!

Boni Williamson said...

Aww...add me! Emma and Hannah sooo need some new B & C Merchandise!

Sarah Beth said...

Enter us!

Cheryl said...

Ho Amanda:
So excited about the drawing, that is really nice, hope it's my name that is picked.

heryl Carr
(Lily Lafleur's grammy)

The Condreys said...

Enter me too! The burp cloths are a huge hit!! Thanks again! -kathy

Anonymous said...

ADD ME!!!!

Lindsey said...

You're so genius!

Kyle and Amanda said...

Hey Amanda! What a great idea!

Amanda Rogers

CAMoore said...

You know...if I win this blog give away my blood pressure will drop and I won't have toxemia! :) Just kidding...YOU BETTER ENTER ME!

PS. I mailed a check today to you, so does that count as a September purchase? Add me 5 more times! :)


Kathleen Villar said...

I love your stuff! I just wish Joseph could wear a tutu! Just kidding, enter me please.

The Ennis' said...

I couldn't pass this up :)! Addison looked SO cute in her Hog attire! Still wanting to do a canvas. I just haven't had a chance to figure out what I want! Hope you have a great birthday!

Lydia said...

I've become addicted to your blog...I'm a friend of Keri's. We are having a baby girl in October. I love all your work! I hope my name is picked. :)

Lydia Ruble

Christy said...

How sweet of you to give away goodies on your birthday!!! Enter me! Love all of your stuff!!

Kicks & Giggles said...

Fun! Count us in!

Kelly said...

Your stuff is SO cute - enter me!

Amy, David, Caroline, Corbin and Cohen said...

I love your stuff-enter me please. Caroline would love a suprise :)

Anonymous said...

Adorable things!! I want to enter this contest!!

Becky Carter said...

Hey Amanda... ran across your blog thru NWAscoop! Look at you go. You have always had a great sense of style. Now you are putting it "to work!" Add me to your contest, we would love to doll up our girls. Also, when you are ready, Jim can design you a great web-site for a great deal! Then would not have people looking all over the blog for your adorable pics! Tell Jim Ed we said hello!

The Evins said...

Hey girl enter me!!!!! Hope all is well.

Amanda @ Bibs and Cribs said...

Hi Anonymous! I am thrilled to enter you in the contest, but please let me know who the heck you are! =)

Anita Pope said...

Hey Amanda! You know I LOVE your stuff.

Martha said...

i want entered for sure!

Ham Family said...

I want to be entered! We live in Austin, TX & I'm ALWAYS looking for new, cute Razorback gear to dress my two kids in -- especially around all of these crazy Longhorns fans! I love your stuff!! SO CUTE & so creative!!

Anonymous said...

So cute and great idea! I check you out from Christy's blog.

julia said...

Oooh!! Enter me! But, don't stop there... pick my name out of the hat, too! I can't wait to order some cute stuff for baby Hamra.

The Gibson's said...

Happy Birthday! Hope I win.

Lindsay said...

How fun! Add me to the list, please! I'd love to pick out something cute for my son!

Christy said...

So fun!

Kerri said...

I'm a friend of Keri Boyd's.

Mandy said...

I would love to be entered! I have still been lurking at all of your awesome stuff from Amanda Moore's and Rachel's blog! I love it all and I know I will be ordering something soon :)

Jayme said...

Count me in!! Your stuff is so cute!
Jayme Jones

Anonymous said...

I like the beach towels and Hooded Bath Towels!
digicat @

Curtis Family said...

I found your blog from Tabitha McNulty's page. I love all your stuff so of course I want to be entered!

Stacia said...

I would love to win!

Erin said...

Amanda, don't know how I found your blogs, but your little girl is too cute! Please enter me! Love your stuff!

Jennai said...

A friend of mine told me about your blog. I am so glad she did! I'd to win this contest so much!
HobartsMama @

amyj said...

ooo! Pick me!!

Greg, Kristy, and John Lleyton said...

I love your stuff girl! Enter me too!

Adalynn said...

Count us in on the contest!!
We love your stuff what wonderful ideas!

Andrea and Adalynn Yates

Beth said...

Your stuff is so cute. I'd love to have lots, please enter me!

Lane said...

Count me in please!! :) I found you through my sister in law, Rachel's, blog. Cute stuff!

Trumbo Family said...

Hey Amanda! I wanna win! :)

Nina said...

Enter e please!!

Sara said...

I want to enter! I saw your blog through Lesley Skinner. You have so many cute things!

Sara Vint

Jennifer said...

Pick me!

His Doorkeeper said...

I would love to win for my new granddaughter-to-be!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

I want to enter. I have an almost one month old who would love this stuff.

Saw the blog through Lauren Walker.

Maci's mommy said...

We definitely would like to be entered! I'm afraid we may start making monthly orders!

harris1013 said...


Anonymous said...

I love your stuff...have 2 little ones that I love to buy for! Sara, at

amber leann said...

My birthday is Sat. so it would be a nice surprise. Saw your blog on a friend of mines. LOVE all of the Razorback things! I will be visiting your blog often! Wish that I would have seen it earlier, we just had my son's 6th b-day party, and it was Hog themed. Would have been adorable to have a canvas with his guests able to sign it!!!

Brennan S said...

What a wonderful treat. My little guy could use some goodies.

RobinJ said...

Oooh! I love giveaways! I'll be back in touch to place an order.

Robin J.

The Stearns Family said...

Enter Me!

Anonymous said...

put us on list!

Anonymous said...

Love all your stuff!
Sarah Beth Smart
(cant remember blogger ID so had to use anonymous!

Lauren Smart said...

Love your stuff! Especially the frames! Enter me!

Jennifer said...

Cute stuff!! Enter me please!

Leanne said...

Add my name to the drawing. I love the camo frame and the red frames with the feathers!! Cute stuff.

jilljohnandhope said...

Please Pick Me! Love your cute things!